I, Sandy, will be writing this blog. I was born in West
Virginia. My Father joined the Army when I was two and then made it a career so
I lived all over the world as I was growing up.
I had attended 13 schools by the time I was graduated from high
school. When I married and had children
I swore I would never do that to them and I lived my entire adult life in
Atlanta, Georgia and raised my children.
What a disservice I did to my children I realize now. I had the better life. When my children went to school I went to
work for the Government. I started as a
Clerk-Typist as I had only finished one year of college before I got
married. Within four years I became a
supervisor and while raising my children, working full time, I also went to
night school and finished my degree. The
last ten years of my 30 year career I worked at the Headquarters, US Army
Reserve Command, Fort McPherson, Georgia.
I was Director, Document Management with a staff of 25.
I retired in 2001 and moved to my beach house
in Panama City, Florida and took care of my Mom and Dad until they passed away in
2006 and 2008. I got very involved with
the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association and became the
President, of the Panama City chapter. I went to Albuquerque, New Mexico for a
National Convention of this group and that’s where I met Tom McKinney in 2006.
He was the President of the Dunwoody, Georgia Chapter. We were married in 2008.
Tom was born
in Rural Valley, Pennsylvania. After two
years of college he enlisted in the Army and spent time in Korea. After his tour he went back and finished
college and then went to work for the government. He had a 35 year career with the U.S. Army
Audit Agency. He spent his whole career
“on the road” going all over the world doing operational audits where ever the
Army was, to include Germany and Viet Nam.
Tom retired in 1998 and took care of his parents back in
Rural Valley until they passed away.
During that time he tried his hand at becoming an apple farmer for
several years but that didn’t work out to well.
Tom and I plan
to spend this decade of life traveling while we can still enjoy it. We are starting this coming Saturday with a
wonderful cruise around the world. Want to join us?