Thursday, May 10, 2018


Finland is a small country, a little bigger than Italy, on the Baltic Sea. The country lies just below the Arctic Circle. The Sea is frozen nine months out of the year.  All the boats must be taken out of the water during that time.

For the last 600 years Finland was under the rule of Sweden but when the 1917 Revolution came along Finland declared their independence.

We saw the monument of approximately 600 steel pipes honoring the great Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.

The 1952 Winter Olympics were here in Finland. In the winter they have only five hours of sunshine.

We visited the famous Rock Church. It is a Lutheran Church built in 1969. It was entirely built into bedrock and quarried stone.

The day we visited the sun was shinning and the temperature was in the 50’s. Everyone was outdoors enjoying the sun at side walk cafes or sitting on grassy spots.

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