Sunday, April 19, 2015



When this city was known as Halicarnasssus, the Greek poet Homer called it “the Land of the Eternal Blue.” It was the location of a mausoleum which was so impressive that it became so impressive that it became known as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. After the empire declined, a band of crusaders called the Knights Hospitallar built what they called the Castle of St Peter here, and those fortifications endured for centuries.  Today, Bodrum is one of the most popular resort towns on the Mediterranean, especially with visitors from around Europe. There is the Museum of Underwater Archeology in Bodrum, which houses the remains of ancient shipwrecks.
Reclaimed sunken cargo ship from 1025 AD
Thomas - Roman Governor
Reclaimed tin (round) and copper (flat pieces) from Egyptian ship about 4th AD
Gold jewelry from Egyptian ship

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